HTL works continuously on improvements in the areas of packaging, which will benefit our environment. This year we have significantly reduced the amount of paper used in popular HTL pipette starter kits. In addition, the paper used to make the Starter 4 Packs and Discovery Starter Kits has an FSC certificate, which means they are manufactured according to the principles for responsible forest management. According to the FSC standards, the forests should be kept in their natural state, i.e. with native species of trees, with young and old trees, and also dead wood, providing living space for other plants and animals. Trees felling is strictly controlled.
FSC “Mixed” means that a minimum of 70% of the raw material used in the production of the package is FSC certified, while the remainder is derived from the so- controlled wood.
Remember, you can have an impact on protecting our forests by buying products that have the FSC logo!