The pipette is designed to serve in the lab for many years. The proper choice of durable materials (such as PVDF, PPS or highest grade stainless steel) used in HTL pipettes and pipette controllers guarantee that our products are ready to work in demanding environment. During work the instruments will become exposed to vapors either directly by the solutions handled in the lab.
The guarantee of the incident-free, safe and accurate operation can be achieved by following some basic practices, e.g.:
The maintenance is an obligatory part of instrument use. Thanks to a simple construction of the HTL pipettes (pipette controllers), the basic maintenance does not require the assistance of service or sophisticated tools.
The following description is an extension to the information provided in user manuals of Corning HTL products. The most crucial part of the pipette maintenance, the assembling operation, should be absolutely trouble-free task with following instructions:
Assemble hints – HTL_assemble_hints_intro
Assemble hints for micropipettes – HTL_assemble_hints_example_1
Assemble hints for pipettes – HTL_assemble_hints_example_2
Assemble hints for macropipettes – HTL_assemble_hints_example_3
Assemble hints for Discovery Pro pipettes – HTL_assemble_hints_example_4_(DP)
Notice: Pipette maintenance is a good source of information – it may indicate the need of parts replacement (e.g. seal, piston or shaft). In order to avoid having the instrument out of service please contact an authorized Corning HTL distributor/service to receive technical support, acquire spare parts or request repair/calibration service.
HTL pipettes are calibrated by gravimetric method, using distilled water, at the temperature 20±1°C, according to EN ISO 8655 standard. If during pipette operation you find that the accuracy error (the difference between the real aspirated volume and the preset volume) exceeds the permissible value given in the Instruction Manual, the pipette recalibration procedure should be carried out. Before starting the recalibration it is necessary to check whether the following requirements have been fulfilled during error determination:the ambient temperature, and the temperature of the pipette, tips and water was identical the density of the liquid used is close to that of distilled water a balance with appropriate sensitivity has been used
mg/µl conversion factor has been taken into account
Step-by-step recalibration procedure shortcuts:
Recalibration procedure for Discovery Comfort, Labmate Pro, Optipette – Recalibration procedure for single and multi DV_LMP_OP
Recalibration procedure for Clinipet+ Recalibration procedure for CLINIPET
Recalibration procedure for Discovery PRO – Recalibration procedure for Discovery PRO